• For the Breast of Us


    Our mission is to empower women of color affected by breast cancer to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives through education, advocacy and community.

Learning to Love my war Wounds

Since being diagnosed with breast cancer and having a mastectomy, I can say that my body has had some changes in the past couple of years.

My biggest problem after cancer was I had to come to the reality that my body would never be the same again. Or maybe just accepting the fact that I have no breasts at 25.

Yes, at times after I had my mastectomy, I used to become depressed about how my scars looked every time I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t want to tell anyone at first because I didn’t want people to think I’m not being “thankful.”

But that’s wasn’t the case at all.

Some people may be like “It’s just breasts” or “Be thankful you survived.”

My answer is always “I’m glad I survived breast cancer, but I’m also a WOMAN!”

A woman that loves to feel feminine and at first, I didn’t feel very feminine at the time. Even though I had a man to tell me I was still beautiful, I just didn’t feel my body was beautiful.

The feeling in my chest was gone and it would never be the same again. Before breast cancer, I was heavy breasted so now getting used to the new normal of having to wear prosthetics or nothing was a bit hard.

I used to not want to take pictures from the chest down because of how I felt I looked. Now that I am two years out, it has gotten a lot better.

I admire my scars now.

They are no longer just scars to me.

I look at them as my WAR WOUNDS!

I may be flat-chested, but that doesn’t make me who I am today.

Sometimes, I still have my days, but it is nothing like the beginning.

When I look in the mirror now I tell myself that I AM STILL THAT BEAUTIFUL QUEEN every day REGARDLESS OF HOW I LOOK.

One Response

  1. GOD IS SOO GOOD ? i love you cousin & soo thankful that god was there every step of your journey & still there .

    forever your little sis ,
    tierra m. grayson. ?

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